CKCU-FM is Hiring a Station Director

CKCU-FM is a volunteer-driven community-oriented radio station in Ottawa, Ontario that is about to enter its 50th year of broadcasting. We are seeking an experienced Station Director to oversee the daily operations of our radio station. This position reports to the Board of Directors and is responsible for the management and administration of the station.

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CKCU’s Family Ties: Keeping Shows Alive for the Next Generation


As we near the golden 50th anniversary of CKCU FM next year, we want to celebrate familial ties at the station, highlighting the bond between families and community. Over the past month, I had the pleasure and privilege of speaking with four families contributing to CKCU. Boba and Mihajlo from Monday’s Encounter, the Asian Sounds quartet, as well as the Hunter and Walker families. Each of the families offer a unique approach in their broadcasting to CKCU’s audiences, be it through cultural and communal awareness, or by shining light on artists and creative minds that make up Ottawa’s music melting pot and other less mainstream scenes. 

With a lot of ground to cover, this article will be presented in two parts, the first focusing on the shows that are centered around distinct cultural communities. Monday’s Encounter and Asian Sounds dive into the Serbian and the Indian subcontinent communities. The second part of the article, that will follow shortly, will cover the music-driven shows of the Hunter and Walker families.  

Boba and her son, Mihajlo, seek to showcase their Serbian heritage with their program Monday’s Encounter. It allows them to express themselves and share their culture with the citizens of the greater Ottawa area. Boba, a former teacher, launched Monday’s Encounter in 2002 on CKCU’s airwaves. It began out of a passion to showcase the beauty of Serbia after being vilified by mainstream media, who had blamed the war and atrocities in Yugoslavia on the Serbian peoples. Mihajlo, a former Carleton student, joined her initially as a co-host, helping to take some of the pressure off that came with running the show solo. Having moved to Ottawa at a young age, Mihajlo found that the program provided him with the ability to expand his knowledge about his Serbian culture and connect with the diaspora within Ottawa.

Mihajlo, Boba, and Ivana of Monday’s Encounter

In addition to Mihajlo, Boba’s daughter Ivana (also known as Chef Iva-B) occasionally joins the program to share her experiences with Serbian cooking. She has used the program to tie in more contemporary media with Serbian cuisine, such as the adoption of a Serbian dessert called tufahije from the popular video game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

A wonderful unification of Serbian cultural, music, and current events from Boba, Mihajlo, and Ivana make Monday’s Encounter a refreshing and educational program to tune in to. With 22 years under their belts, the show has, and continues to, maintain strong ties with longtime CKCU personnel such as Lindsay Morrison, Dylan Hunter, and Dave Aardvark; who welcomed them with open arms and supported Boba and Mihajlo’s creative endeavors akin to their own family.

The Asian Sounds team is rounded out by a family of Carleton alumni. Working alongside Suraj Harish and David Liebold, the predominantly family team bring Ottawa the latest in music from the Indian subcontinent and topical conversations. Spearheading the operation is Jagjeet Sharma and her co-host husband, Surinder. Initially doing the show solo, a pivotal moment for the program happened when Surinder joined. He was coaxed into the studio by his wife, instead of sitting in the car waiting while she was on-air. With both parents involved in the show, the children eventually joining made it a full family affair.

Meenaskshi and Tejeshwar at CKCU as children

Their children, Meenakshi and Tejeshwar, were introduced to radio at very early ages. Before the children understood what their parents were doing behind the mic, they sifted through records, played, and hung out at CKCU while their mom and dad hosted the show live. They have experienced the evolution of the format by which the program is delivered, from early on with 8-tracks and vinyl, to later CD’s, and online production. As they grew older, they began to join their parents, turning Asian Sounds into a family activity every Wednesday.

Jagjeet and Tejeshwar hosting Asian Sounds in-studio

With the 25th anniversary of Asian Sounds approaching, the family highlighted the importance of having multiple generations at CKCU. They praised the station’s sense of multiculturalism through its embrace of traditional non-western music and the close-knit community built around it. CKCU provides a platform by which local and global talent can be showcased and creates a space for artists and creative projects to shine.

When COVID-19 struck a critical blow to communities across the country, Jagjeet and her family felt the effects of a lost sense of community as the show had to change to being pre-recorded instead of live in the studio, which they felt impacted its feel. However, the family banded together and weathered the storm, continuing to produce a program full to the brim with content and connecting with community.

Should you find yourself listening to Monday’s Encounter or Asian Sounds, you’ll be delighted to hear what these families create together and have to offer the listener and community. Monday’s Encounter airs Mondays at 6:00pm and Asian Sounds can be heard Wednesdays, also at 6:00pm.

Stay tuned for the second part of this article coming very soon, as we dive into the Hunter and Walker families, explore musical influences, and the power of music as the universal language.

– Ethan Arthorne (supported by Simon McKeown)

Aap Ki Farmaish connects multi-cultural communities through CKCU’s airwaves

However, the weekly Tuesday show is also known to connect multiple cultures throughout Ottawa through its selection of world music and guests that Baljit and his team of hosts bring in. The show’s main goal is to cater to the audience, as he puts it.

“I try to play what the audience likes, and [that is what] people appreciate,” Baljit said.

Baljit live in the CKCU FM studio

Baljit says that the listenership of his program has expanded over the years and continues to try to do more outreach for South Asian communities in Ottawa who don’t know about it. To do this, he invites prominent figures in Ottawa, such as members of parliament, and local, international artists and community leaders to interview on the show. He even had the chance to interview Mayor Mark Sutcliffe during his candidacy run. According to Baljit, the show’s main goal is to provide the best music for listeners to enjoy, as well as information that will be helpful.

The program has also connected with members from Ottawa’s West Indian and Caribbean communities, and is looking to also feature those from Aboriginal communities.

To continue increasing Aap Ki Farmaish’s listenership, Baljit says the key is the variety of music and voices that represent it. Through the power of music, Aap Ki Farmaish aims to blend these different cultural communities together and inform them of what they need to know in the capital city.

“Music brings us pleasure and releases our suffering.
It can calm us down and pump us up.
It helps us manage pain, sleep better and be more productive.” 
– Alex Doman (Author of Healing at the Speed of Sound)

– Audrey Pridham

Brian Eno documentary + CKCU at ByTowne Cinema

Join CKCU FM at the ByTowne Cinema this Tuesday, October 8th, at 7pm for the screening of Eno, a documentary about musician and artist Brian Eno. This special one night only screening is not to be missed by anyone who is a fan or curious about this visionary artist. For more information and tickets, visit ByTowne Cinema.


From NOW until Nov. 29, 2024, CBC will be installing a new master FM antenna on the tower at Camp Fortune. These upgrades to the transmission infrastructure are necessary and long overdue. The work will unfortunately result in some signal strength reductions and service interruptions to all FM and television stations broadcasting from the site, including CKCU.  

The CBC has been communicating with staff at CKCU and has assured us that precautions are being taken to limit the frequency and duration of interruptions to our signal. If there is a disruption to the FM signal, you can continue to listen to us online at 

Independent Voices Under Threat: Why CKCU Matters Now More Than Ever

In an era where independent media is increasingly threatened, CKCU is a beacon of authentic, unfiltered community voices. The challenges facing independent media today are extensive and complex. As large media empires continue to grow, smaller stations and networks struggle to survive. The effect? The voices that have long delivered diverse perspectives, alternative viewpoints, and local stories are gradually disappearing from the airwaves, leaving a gaping hole in the stories of everyday people.

Despite these challenges, radio remains a vital content provider in Canada, with around 70% of Canadians tuning in to one of the over 900 radio stations every week. Radio is especially popular and convenient when travelling, providing a reliable source of talk, music, news, and sports content. While other forms of media consumption continue to rise, radio still holds an important place in the lives of most Canadians, making the preservation of independent voices on the airwaves even more critical.

Locked in to the mighty 93.1.

The statistics paint a grim picture. Over the past decade, countless local radio stations and independent media outlets have closed their doors, unable to compete with the financial might of corporate-owned networks. Canada’s radio industry is dominated by five large ownership groups, which generate about 65% of the industry’s revenue and capture a significant share of listeners. Staff layoffs have become all too common, with even long-standing institutions like the CBC and Global News facing significant cutbacks. According to the Canadian Media Concentration Research Project, more than 250 media outlets in Canada have shut down since 2008, leaving many communities without a local voice. This loss of local media not only diminishes the diversity of content available but also erodes the connection between communities and the stories that matter most to them.

At CKCU, we recognize the importance of keeping those independent perspectives alive. Since our creation, we’ve been committed to providing a platform for voices that might otherwise go unheard. Whether it’s featuring local artists, covering grassroots movements, or giving air time to underrepresented communities, CKCU ensures that our programming reflects the rich diversity of our community. Our station has always been more than just a place to listen to music or catch up on the news, it’s a hub for community engagement, a space where ideas are exchanged, and where everyone is welcome to share their story.

In contrast to the increasingly uniform content seen in many mainstream outlets, CKCU continues to prioritize the unique and the local. CKCU remains committed to keeping the airwaves vibrant and inclusive. However, maintaining this independence is no easy task. As a community-funded station, CKCU relies heavily on the generosity of donors to keep our programming on air. This support allows us to continue offering a platform for diverse voices and focuses on the community. With your help, we can continue to provide the kind of independent, community-focused programming that is becoming increasingly rare in today’s media landscape.

As we approach our annual funding drive, we ask you to consider the vital role that CKCU plays in our community and your life. In a world where independent media is under siege, your support is more important than ever. Together, we can ensure that CKCU remains a stronghold for independent voices, keeping our airwaves free, diverse, and vibrant.

– Marissa Guido

The David Dalle Show celebrates 30 years with CKCU

David Dalle was introduced to CKCU FM by his father who would regularly tune in. They both had a strong fondness for music. David’s interest led him to become a Carleton University Music program student, and since he was on the campus, he decided to volunteer with the station. He soon began hosting music programming for overnight programs, and in 1994 he moved on to producing and hosting his own live program, The David Dalle Show, that airs every Thursday afternoon at 2:00 pm. His love of classical music quickly expanded to experimental, industrial tunes, which then led him down a rabbit hole of discovering and spinning tracks from around the world.

David Dalle in the on-air studio during his show.

“Music is infinite – it’s endless, there’s so much of it. So that’s why I’ve been doing it for 30 years, but I feel like I’ve barely touched the surface of music,” he said. After being on the air for 30 years, Dalle says that discovering the wide range of music he plays on his program allows him to learn more about the major difficulties and history of the state of the world. “I want to be a great champion of multiculturalism. In music, you can see that people are the same everywhere, basically at heart, and they express so many of the same things in music but it’s using different means, instruments, and music theory.”

The David Dalle Show is one of the longest running ones at CKCU, and he admits that throughout his time as a radio host, he has grown and learnt a lot since he first started as a university student. “I’m glad that my programming from 25 years ago was not preserved because I’d be embarrassed about it now,” he joked.

Aside from sharing his love of multicultural music with his listeners, Dalle also has a passion for sheep herding with his Old English sheepdogs. He talked about how his first dog went on to compete in the Agility Association of Canada’s Nationals in 2016 and won 5th place. “My life is music and dogs right now!”

Dalle is still eager to discover more music and share it on CKCU’s airwaves. His show’s main theme of “unity in diversity” through the music he shares is what connects him with his listeners. “I found that in [the past] 30 years, the world seems to be going into kind of a darker path… I want to counter that as much as possible.”

– Audrey Pridham

Braving the night with Interzone’s Mimsey Demon: A 10th anniversary celebration

Night owls rejoice! Luke Kuchar, known by his moniker Mimsey Demon, celebrates the 10th anniversary of his show Interzone on CKCU FM this August. Bringing the latest in electronic, industrial, drum and bass, the local and underground scene, Luke provides the soundtrack for those braving the temptations of Nyx and Morpheus.

Luke’s background in radio can be found in the mid-90s. With growing interest in the industrial scene, he volunteered at CHUO FM in Ottawa, helping with shows and working on his own called Wednesday Night Hangover. Subsequently, this led him to branch out into other avenues and musical genres like sidetrance, electronic, experimental, and hardcore. Mimsey Demon’s show, Interzone, saw its inception when he was offered an overnight slot at CKCU FM by Dave Aardvark, the Program Director; and ten years later, Luke continues to share his passion for music with the city of Ottawa.

Strong connections and friendships that were forged early on in his time at CKCU have kept him going for the past decade. While an overnight show has sparse in-person contact, some members of the CKCU community like the hosts of Heat Wave and Jump Into Sports, frequently ran into Luke before and after doing his program when it was live in-studio from 2:00 am – 6:00 am pre-pandemic. Nowadays, Luke records his vocal segments before he goes live from his apartment, and oftentimes, he is joined by the angry-feathered co-host who rooms with him – his bird.

Luke Kuchar, AKA Mimsey Demon, DJing live. Courtesy of CBC News.

“Music has been one of the only positive constants in my life, and I want to share it with others who are also helped by it”, says Luke. Interzone fills the demand for electronic music, heavily emphasizing the local scene and events happening in Ottawa. The host has fine-tuned his program to cover the underrepresented genres such as drum and bass, dubstep, trance music, and more.

Over the years, Luke has felt the love of the community from all walks of life. From late night truckers calling in to thank him for keeping them going through long drives, to other night owls who dance the late hours away, Luke spreads awareness about local artists and provides the soundtrack for those who need an outlet to express themselves. Before the butcher, baker, and candlestick-maker begin their day, find CKCU’s friendly neighborhood Mimsey Demon working his magic on the airwaves.

-Ethan Arthorne

Celebrating 45 years of The Groove

In CKCU FM’s vibrant history, Elorious Cain appears as a beacon of community and musical passion, revolutionizing Ottawa’s radio scene with his love for Disco music. Every Saturday from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, for the past 45 years Elorious has infused joy and rhythm into the CKCU community with The Groove, Canada’s longest-running disco show.

Elorious Cain with his record collection

Over the years, The Groove has become a beloved show reflecting CKCU’s vibrant energy. His first interaction with CKCU started with a submission of poetry to Sacred and Profane, a show where listeners submitted work to be read live on air. After multiple submissions not being chosen, he grew frustrated, leading him to contact the station to inquire about it. This led to a meeting with then-program director, Jim Hurcomb. In a conversation between the two, Elorious shared his opinion on the station’s on-air programming. Agreeing that CKCU was lacking disco, Hurcomb offered Elorious a timeslot to do a prerecorded disco program. He gladly accepted. On July 7, 1979, Disco Radio took to the airways. In 1981, Elorious transitioned to live broadcasting. He renamed the show The Groove in 1982, establishing the well-loved show we know today.

The Groove is more than a radio show, it’s a celebration and exploration of disco. Developing a strong listenership over the past four and a half decades, it has drawn fans in thanks to Elorious’ deep love and passion for the music he presents. On special occasions, once a decade, “The Real History of Disco” marathon has been hosted for 18 hours straight, exploring and showcasing disco’s rich history up to the present day.

As the host, Elorious’ dream for The Groove is to keep it bumping for many years to come, allowing him to continue to share his passion for disco music and its ever-evolving scene with all who care to join his party. He attributes the show’s longevity to not only his passion for the disco scene but also CKCU’s support, giving him creative freedom to create the content he wants. He cherishes the opportunity to share disco’s vibrancy and create a space where listeners can connect and revel in the joy of the music. The Groove reminds us that music, like community, thrives on love and dedication. It infuses positivity into the community and invites us all to dance along.

– Marissa Guido

Wednesday Special Blend Airs 1000th Show

Michael Houston, AKA Tic

Michael Houston, better known as “tic”, has been in the community radio realm with CKCU FM for a whopping 35 years. His show, Wednesday Special Blend, is celebrating a major milestone with its 1000th episode on March 13th, 2024. The morning radio program, hosted by tic, started in April 2002, but his involvement at CKCU FM began much before. In 1983, he stumbled across a documentary produced by a CKCU volunteer and it was love at first listen according to the host.  Two weeks later, tic was a volunteer on his journey to become part of the CKCU FM family. The rest is history, as 22 years later, he is reaching his 1000th episode! 

When it comes to contributing to CKCU and the community, tic leads by example. He has a big heart and likes to share about what people in the community are doing, their stories, local music, events, and the odd opinion.  He has been instrumental in supporting the annual CKCU FM Funding Drive and contributing to community connection.  As well, he is a technically savvy guy who offers support to others with his skills. He’s been an integral part of the CKCU, working hard to make sure Wednesday Special Blend is engaging, entertaining, and informative for the audience. 

Michael absolutely loves being on the radio, but he is especially interested and attentive to the technical side of creating his content. He takes pride in making sure his shows are quality sounding and run smoothly for the listener’s experience. After being live in the studio for many years, since the pandemic, tic prefers to record his shows in his cozy home studio. It allows him to focus on the technical quality by reducing any potential challenges that could happen during a live broadcast. He believes that good sound and production are important and add to listening enjoyment.  

CKCU FM is far more than just a community radio station to tic. He shared that part of its value is its diversity. The station broadcasts in at least a dozen languages and features special interest programming that you won’t find many other places. It’s a friendly place where people can learn about different cultures, music, and community news. As tic says, “Sometimes you just need to mix things up and try something new!”. That is exactly what CKCU FM offers and is a key reason why he loves being part of it. 

– Joy Keke